Archive for the
‘Latest News’ Category

With our business now well established and growing at pace, we’ve spent time over the summer thinking hard about what sustainability means to us. We’ve chosen to define sustainability in its broadest sense, using John Elkington’s increasingly influential ‘people, planet, profits’ model, first formulated in 1994. In an article published by Forbes in 2019, Elkington […]

Emmaus UK is the charity partner of Partners in Change and we are proud to share the news that we are extending our fundraising and pro-bono consulting relationship for a second year.  At our recent team event we presented the organisation with a cheque for £10,550, representing the total monies raised over a successful first […]

In the late 2000s I remember watching the original ‘Shift Happens’ video with hundreds of colleagues at an annual conference. It dominated the evening’s conversations – it gave everyone a new perspective on the speed at which change was coming down the line. Even now 14 years on it is eye-opening. Much of what is […]

As organisations consider their future direction and identify what change to pursue in order to remain relevant to their customers, attractive to their workforce and profitable for their investors, digital transformation is often high on the priority list. Speaking with clients and colleagues across our network, legacy systems are mentioned frequently as a problem; they […]

Each and every one of us is exposed to the digital transformation efforts of all sorts of organisations every day. Whether it is business, local councils, central government or the NHS we are all rapidly learning to adapt to and embrace the rapid evolution of digital technology. The eighteen months of global lockdown we’ve all […]

There are many factors which contribute towards an organisation’s ability to change. Whatever factors are relevant to your organisation, trying to improve your ability to land sustainable change from within starts by establishing clarity for your specific organisation (now and in the foreseeable future) on what will contribute towards your ability to make successful change [...]

Enhancing your organisation’s change capability can sound like a rather theoretical exercise, taking away focus and effort from day to day change delivery. This can be especially true in the situation where the pressures to deliver are high, everyone is heads down focused on this, and finding the time to look up and at the […]

19 July 2021


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