Complex change and transformation requires significant financial investment and organisational resource. Our assurance team have decades of change experience and, by investing a relatively small amount of your programme budget in assurance, you can increase the chance of delivering sustainable change by ensuring you are set up for success.

Why invest in assurance?

Why do we provide this service?
Our long and deep experience is rooted in planning and delivering challenging, complex change and transformation. Statistics continue to show that much change investment turns out to disappoint, either failing completely or delivering only partial success.
Many of the things that cause failure are avoidable, and our assurance is designed to help you leverage and benefit from our experience, so that your chances of successful realisation of target outcomes is increased significantly.

What does the service do?
Our assurance service helps you by providing an expert assessment of the state of your change delivery. We have well established tools, based on decades of collective delivery expertise that allow us to assess whether or not your change programme is, or was, set-up for success.

What are the benefits of using our service?
As a result of our support you will have increased confidence in your ability to deliver, particularly in the context of your organisation’s risk appetite. Our service will identify likely fail points as well as drawing your attention to aspects of the programme that are well set up.
Our approach also ensures that we work with you to identify the corrective actions you could take, with follow-up designed to ensure that any consequent changes in approach are having the desired effect.

When to use our service?
Our service can be applied in four ways:
- Set-up: we work with you in the early days of your thinking about change, helping to make sure that your planned activity is set-up for success. Our experience suggests that the vast majority of things that go wrong with complex change can be traced back to the early days of the programme.
- Ongoing assurance: this is a configurable service that works shoulder-to-shoulder, often with audit or internal assurance, to support complex transformations through their full lifecycle. The extent and intensity of support can range from embedded ongoing support through to intermittent part-time service.
- Spot-checks / deep-dives: these are one-off, quick reviews of programmes or projects, often triggered when there are concerns regarding the progress of delivery, or simply when an independent view is sought for reassurance.
- Post-engagement review: whether a programme has been successful, or more often when it has failed, we work with you to understand why, so that lessons can be distilled and turned into continuous improvement actions that help to design out the risk of future repetition.

What do clients appreciate about our approach?
Feedback from clients has highlighted particularly helpful aspects of our capability and approach.
- We deploy seasoned experts who understand real change, not just text-book theory.
- Our frameworks take a holistic view of change and don’t simply focus on the detail of solution design and delivery.
- We always contextualise – every organisation is different, and we excel at making sense of issues relative to your organisational culture and leadership.
- We are flexible and configure our approach with you: we don’t simply impose the same approach to every problem – we work with you to get the right amount of support in the right places, helping to optimise value for money.
- Our approach is positive and collaborative. We understand everyone wants to succeed, and we are here to help you, not score points or find fault for the sake of it.
- We speak in your language. Our reports and outputs are always adapted to fit your preferences. We don’t ‘pull our punches’ but one of our particular talents is landing tough messages well, so that they are understood, accepted, and acted upon.